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Retirement needs calculator

Your personalised retirement income estimate

Simply fill in some details about yourself and your ideal retirement lifestyle, and our super retirement calculator can give you a personalised estimate of the super you may need if you're retiring in Australia.

What income are you
likely to need when you retire?

Use this calculator to help plan for your retirement.

Let's get started


This calculator is current at the date of publication and is subject to change. It contains general information and does not take account of your specific objectives, financial situation or needs or personal circumstances.

While we have made every effort to ensure all assumptions are reasonable, you should review them to match your own expectations/circumstances and not take them as the most appropriate assumption in all cases.

Your retirement outcome will be affected by many factors including investment returns, fees and regulatory changes. Some factors that may affect your retirement outcomes may not have been taken into account in this calculator.

This is a model, not a prediction. You should not rely upon this tool for the purposes of making a financial decision. You should consider your own situation, objectives and needs, and obtain specific, individual advice from a financial services licensee before making any investment decisions.


This calculator uses the following settings which can be adjusted below:

Fixed assumptions

  • The projected super balance needed at retirement is shown in today's dollars (present value).
  • The amounts after you retire are adjusted for an assumed annual inflation rate of 2.5%. You can adjust the inflation rate above to see the impact this will have on the projected super balance.
  • We assume that your super is invested in a balanced option. Investment returns can be adjusted above.
  • An investment fee of 0.58% is applied in this calculator. This figure cannot be altered.
  • The "Super balance needed at retirement" and "This is estimated to last for" on the final step of this calculator are estimates based on living to age 92. This is an estimate only. You may in fact live longer or shorter than this prediction. If you do live longer than age 92 then you may require a higher super balance when you retire.
  • The "retirement standard" figures provided are current as at the September quarter 2024 and are based on the ASFA Retirement Standard. The ASFA Retirement Standard benchmarks the annual budget needed by Australians to fund either a comfortable or modest standard of living in the post-work years. It is updated annually to reflect inflation and provides detailed budgets of what singles and couples would need to spend to support their chosen lifestyle. The figures assume that the retiree(s) own their own home outright and are relatively healthy.
  • The difference between the comfortable and modest retirement lifestyle budgets mainly relates to the extra items included in the comfortable budget. These include items such as updates to a kitchen or bathroom, eating out from time to time, entertaining family or friends at home, private health insurance at the top rate, an economy overseas holiday, alcohol, tobacco and buying gifts etc.
  • While ASFA updates their Modest and Comfortable living standard figures on a quarterly basis, in this calculator, figures are updated annually, with current figures from the "ASFA Retirement Standard September quarter 2024". This calculator has rounded up all figures to the nearest dollar.

Benefits of talking with a super retirement specialist

For most people, retirement can seem a bit complex, but a super specialist can cut through the jargon, and help you navigate the best superannuation and retirement path for you. They can help you with questions such as: 

  • How can I maximise my super before I retire?
  • How does super work with the Age pension?
  • What does transition to retirement mean?

Book a chat

Retirement calculator for couples

As a couple, the amount of combined super you'll need is quite different than if you're going solo. That's because some expenses can be shared over the course of your retirement.

Our super needs calculator takes these things into account and can give you a tailored estimate of your ideal super balance at retirement.

How much money vs how much super?

This calculator assumes you'll fund your retirement solely from your super.

If you currently have surplus income or savings, you may want to use it to top up your super.

*We provide general tax information relating to superannuation. We recommend you seek tax advice from a professional tax agent.

The information on this website contains general information and does not take account of your specific objectives, financial situation or needs or personal circumstances. You should seek professional financial advice, consider your own circumstances and read our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) before making a decision about Prime Super. To view our PDS or TMD, call 1800 675 839 or visit Prime Super Pty Ltd ABN 81 067 241 016 AFSL 219723 RSE L0000277 (Trustee), Prime Super ABN 60 562 335 823 RN 1000276.