Importance of clean data
Having a database of accurate member data - such as email addresses and mobile numbers - is vital for super funds so that notifications of key information can get to members quickly.
Links to members' statements are emailed and sent by SMS so that members can access them as soon as they are available. So it's vital that email addresses that go directly to the member are recorded when registering employer-linked members.
Sometimes when registering employee details at EmployerOnline employers include a generic email address at the workplace, instead of a direct email address for the member.
This leads to a situation where members can only be communicated with by conventional mail. Prime Super has a largely regionally based membership, so mailing statements and other information can be slow and costly.
In addition to including mandatory information such as a residential address, Tax File Number and date of birth, employers are strongly encouraged to take the time to include correct email addresses and mobile phone numbers and should contact their Relationship Manager with any queries.