About us
Prime Super is an independent, profit-to-members superannuation fund.
We have provided super and retirement solutions to Australians for over 30 years. Today we look after the retirement savings of members who work in industries including agriculture, horticulture, health, education, aged care and recruitment. We have a strong connection with regional Australia and our foundations are in rural and agriculturally based super funds. The Fund was formed through the amalgamation of four rural super funds and renamed Prime Super in 2006.
Our purpose
Our core purpose is to help members achieve the best possible retirement outcome they can. We offer superannuation and retirement solutions to grow, manage and protect our members' wealth and retirement income.
Our mission
To contribute to the financial growth and security of our members’ superannuation accounts.
Our values
Honesty We act honestly and are open and transparent in all our dealings.
Accountability We work to clear objectives and hold ourselves accountable.
Respect Treat all we deal with in a courteous and professional manner.
Leadership Lead by example and encourage best practice.