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Investment returns 2021 news story resized

Outstanding investment returns in 2021

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Pushlished date icon Published on 28 July 2021

Investment performance is exceptional this year, with our default MySuper investment option achieving its best ever return of 18.20%.

Other investment options also had outstanding results this year; our Australian Equities and International Equities options achieved returns of 32.32% and 27.72% respectively, and our Managed Growth option returned 22.58%.

Our MySuper option return of 18.20% was stronger than the industry median of 17.60% for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.*

Over recent years, returns across all investment markets have been volatile. Throughout this, we have maintained our robust investment strategy and our ability to effectively respond to market fluctuations through active investment management.

While this year's returns are strong, it is important to remember that we invest in super over many years - it is a long-term investment. Long term returns are the key measure, and over the long-term, our results are consistently strong.

Our MySuper investment option returns over five, seven and 10 years to 30 June 2021, are 9.12%, 8.66% and 8.89%, respectively.  All three are top quartile performances.*

See our Investments page for more information about our investment options and returns.

Prime Super has around $6 billion of funds under management which we manage on behalf of approximately 125,000 members. Our fund is strong, and we continue to work to deliver the best retirement outcomes for our members.

*SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - Balanced (60-76) June 2021. Please note, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.