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Prime Super investment returns 2023

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Pushlished date icon Published on 3 Aug 2023

This year, as reported in the Australian Financial Review1, Prime Super has been ranked number 22 out of the top 49 funds in Australia with our MySuper investment option delivering returns above the industry median2 at 9.27%. 

Returns for most of our investment options are also above industry medians this year with Australian and international shares providing strong returns and ending the financial year on a high note. 

This year our Managed Growth, Conservative, Australian Shares, Property, and Cash investment options all performed well, achieving top-quartile investment performance over 10 years3

While investment returns are delivering strong returns, we recommend that our members consider their super investments over the long term. Investment-market volatility is expected to continue due to increases in the rates set by the Reserve Bank of Australia and global central banks. As a result, increasing inflation will persist, bringing general uncertainty about the future. 

Visit our Investments page for more information about our investment options and returns. 

Please note, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 
This article is current at the date of publication and is subject to change. It contains general information and does not take account of your specific objectives, financial situation or needs or personal circumstances. You should seek professional financial advice, consider your own circumstances and read our product disclosure statement (PDS) before making a decision about Prime Super. For a PDS and target market determination call 1800 675 839 or visit the Prime Super Pty Ltd ABN 81 067 241 016 AFSL 219723 RSE L0000277 (Trustee), Prime Super ABN 60 562 335 823 RN 1000276. 

1 Australian Financial Review, Saturday 29 July 2023.

2 3 SuperRatings Balanced (60-76) Index—June 2023.