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Agribusiness scholarship banner 2022

Sponsoring aspiring young Australians

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Pushlished date icon Published on 9 Nov 2022

Each year Prime Super sponsors the Agribusiness Australia awards to encourage young Australians who wish to undertake tertiary education in agriculture.

Eloise Knox applied for the Agribusiness Australia scholarship in 2021 when she was completing her secondary studies. Eloise was inspired by some of the challenges facing the agriculture industry such as food security, land regeneration and sustainability.

As the winner of the Agribusiness Australia scholarship in 2021, Eloise will receive $3,000 over three years to support her university studies.

In her first year at university Eloise studied a range of subjects including Agricultural Systems and Soil Science. She also attended charity fundraising events and is looking forward to undertaking some harvest work experience and logging the hours as part of her degree.

Eloise said her first-year studies have been exciting and challenging and she reflected on the ways Prime Super's sponsorship of the scholarship has helped her throughout the past year.

"[The scholarship has] encouraged me to follow my passions and pursue a degree in agriculture. [It has] supported me to be able to move out of home to study a Bachelor of Rural Science in Armadale at the University of New England [and has] contributed to helping me fully immerse myself in university life as well as my degree to make the most of my studies^," Eloise said before encouraging other young people with a passion in agriculture to apply.

Scholarship winner 2022

The Agribusiness Australia scholarship has a history of attracting high performing, young agribusiness professionals who can make a significant contribution to the future of all Australians.

This year we are delighted to congratulate the Agribusiness Australia scholarship winner—Clara Tolman—and we look forward to sharing updates from Clara as she commences her university studies in 2023.

Students can apply for the Agribusiness Australia scholarship while they're in their final year at secondary school if they have plans to undertake an agriculture-related degree at university or a degree they intend to use to establish a career in agriculture.

As a long-time supporter of our super members in regional and rural Australia, Prime Super looks forward to announcing next year’s winner and encouraging students to participate in the agriculture sector and ensure agribusiness continues to be a major contributor to the Australian economy.

If you know an aspiring young Australian who may be eligible for the Agribusiness Australia scholarship or you'd like to speak with a Prime Super specialist about planning for your own future, book a chat with one of our Super Specialists.

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^Eloise Knox - winner of the 2021 Agribusiness Australia Scholarship.