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The three stages of retirement and their impact on our wellbeing

The three stages of retirement and their impact on our wellbeing

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Pushlished date icon Published on 13 Feb 2024

Many of us are looking forward to retirement after years of hard work. But, retirement is a journey that unfolds in three distinct stages, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Understanding these stages is essential for financial planning but also for maintaining and enhancing our overall wellbeing.  

Stage 1: Early Retirement 

During the first stage of retirement, there is a sense of freedom and an eagerness to tick life long dreams off the to-do list. Mostly we are still in good health and have the energy to do so. Here's how this stage can affect us: 

1. A positive impact 

   - Increased leisure time: in this stage we can enjoy hobbies, travel, and spending time with family and friends, which can boost our emotional wellbeing. 

   - Reduced work-related stress: Retiring from a demanding job can lead to decreased stress levels and improved mental health. 

2. Financial re-evaluation 

   - Financial adjustment: Some retirees may face challenges adapting to a reduced income, potentially causing financial stress and impacting their overall wellbeing. 

   - Health insurance: Health expenses become important, and insurance costs can rise. 

3. Health considerations 

   - Maintenance of health: Early retirees often prioritise health and wellbeing, engaging in physical activities and preventive healthcare measures. 

   - Lifestyle changes: We may relocate, downsize, or adopt healthier habits like regular exercise and balanced diets. 

Stage 2: Middle Retirement 

During the middle retirement stage, we’re adjusting to a new lifestyle. 

1. Health dynamics 

   - Health issues: Age-related health concerns may become more prominent, impacting physical and emotional wellbeing. 

   - Increased healthcare needs: Middle retirees tend to require more medical attention, which can affect their financial situation and quality of life. 

2. Social connections 

   - Widening social circle: Many retirees engage in community activities, volunteering, and social groups to combat loneliness and maintain positive mental health. 

   - Family dynamics: They often become more involved with family, providing emotional support to children and grandchildren. 

Stage 3: Late Retirement  

The third stage of retirement often involves an increased reliance on support services and care, particularly as we age further. It also brings its own set of challenges and opportunities: 

1. Health and wellbeing 
  • Physical limitations: Chronic health conditions may restrict physical activities, and impact our outlook on life. The need for healthcare services becomes more pronounced during this stage, and individuals may require assistance with daily activities. 
  • Mental resilience: Late retirees often show remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of health challenges. 
2. Social connections 
  • End-of-life considerations: Late retirees may grapple with the loss of friends and loved ones, emphasising the importance of social support and connection. 
  • Legacy and wisdom: We often find purpose in sharing life experiences and wisdom with younger generations. 
3. Financial stability 
  • Continued financial planning: Late retirees must ensure their finances support their healthcare and end-of-life needs, which can be complex and costly. 

Speak with a super specialist 

Navigating retirement may seem daunting, but with the right information and support, you can make informed decisions. 

Early planning and good advice is incredibly important and can take the stress out of your decision making. 

For general super enquiries, phone one of our team members on 1800 675 839  between 8am and 8pm AEST Mon-Fri or email us.

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To help provide you with confidence and peace of mind, we have partnered with caring and compassionate aged care advice professionals, Aged Care Steps.  

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